Hyland's Teething Tablets and Oral Pain Relief Tablets Safe for Kids

You are never at peace when your child is in pain as it is hard for you to watch the little one suffer. However, if you have a safe, natural alternative for pain relief, they will feel better. Given that there are several products with harmful ingredients, parents have become choosy on the pain relievers they give their children. Many of the parents have opted for homeopathy, pain relief that has been used around the globe for the last 200 years.

Hyland's teething tablets proudly follows the tradition of natural relief and offers homeopathic pain relief to the little one. It is made from gentle and safe ingredients that act fast and have no known side effects.

Oral Pain Could Be Caused By More Than Teething

When babies have oral pain, most parents give a variety of teething pain relievers. However, oral pain could be caused by other reasons too. Some of the symptoms that you are likely to see include

  • Tenderness and swelling
  • Mild rash
  • Increased drooling
  • Putting fingers in the mouth
  •  Rubbing ear or cheek
  • Irritability

Since there are several oral pain symptoms, a teeth pain reliever may not alleviate all the symptoms. However,  Hyland’s Baby Oral Pain Relief Tablets may help relieve pain no matter the cause. It differs from Hyland’s Baby Teeth Tablets and covers all oral issues and not just teething.

There are other teething medications, some of which may not be good for your child. For example, topical medications such as teething gels, sprays, and lozenges contain benzocaine that has potentially harmful effects as stated by the FDA. Moreover, aspirin-based products should not be given to kids.

Other medicine known to be safe for children such as acetaminophen may have such side effects as loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps. Consider such natural alternatives as Hyland's teething tablets.

Understanding Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a natural pain relief system where the medicine works with the body to deal with the pain rather than mask it. This way, you achieve body balance and few side effects. The fewer side effects make Hyland's teething tablets and oral tablets ideal for sensitive individuals such as babies.
